Working With Your Framer
It's Custom
Custom framing is a great way to get exactly what you want in displaying your art and memorabilia because it is, well, custom. Framing with us is a collaborative venture between you and your designer.
Sharing Of Thoughts
If you have something in mind, please let us know so we can show you that. Keep in mind, there may be ways of framing art that you may not be aware of. If you are open to it, allow us to share our thoughts with you too. Our designers are here to help!
Caring For Your Art
Take good care of your art. Store it safely. Don’t handle it any more than you have to. Bring it in for framing as soon as possible. In most cases, your art will be better protected in a frame than not.
Design Specifics
If you have any requirements like size, color, style, etc., let us know so we can tailor your framing treatment accordingly. If your decor is difficult to display art in, bring color samples with you — paint chips, fabric samples, etc., so we can avoid clashing with your decor.
Plan to have enough time to consider your framing options. Although we try to find the best design for you right away, framing design takes some time. Don’t expect it to be a five-minute errand.
Consider Your Art
Remember, framing can make your art look its best, but it can’t make your art something it is not. If you have a small piece of art, framing it largely to fill a space may not be the best look for the art or space. If you have a black and white photo, using color may overwhelm the image.
Your art may look beautiful in a variety of ways, however, too many options can make decision-making overwhelming. We don’t want to waste your time or make the selection too difficult. Working with us to narrow down design options will make your life much easier when it comes to that final decision.
Keep An Open Mind
One of the best reasons to get your framing done at Carter Ave. Frame Shop is that our designers know how to make art look great. Let us do a design for your art that gives you maximum pleasure!