Framing FAQs
”Do you do conservation framing?”
Yes, we do conservation framing, preservation framing, and museum quality framing. In fact we don’t even carry “regular” mats anymore. We use rag and alphacellulose mats exclusively because their surface papers hold their color longer and they don’t damage the art in any way. We use acid-free backing and ultraviolet light filtering glass when appropriate to keep your valuable or irreplaceable art protected.
”How long does it take to get something framed?”
Most framing projects are completed in 7-10 days. Some special order materials slow us down a bit, but we can often get your framing done even quicker if you are in a hurry. We do our best to accommodate rush orders. Please call us or stop in to discuss your project!
”How much does framing cost?”
That is like asking “how much does a car cost?” It depends on which model, what extras, and what size. Framing prices depend on how big your picture is and what components and services your picture needs. We don’t know the answers to those questions until we look at your picture with you, measure it, and design a beautiful and appropriate framing treatment for it. To get the most accurate cost estimate, you will need to bring your art in for a consultation. We do our best to provide estimates over the phone, but please keep in mind that there are enough variables that these estimates may have a wide range.
”I don’t know what I want. Can you help me?”
Of course! That’s what we do. You can’t possibly know what mats and frames are available. We have thousands of mouldings and hundreds of mats available to choose from, as well as fillets, spacers, and a lot of tricks up our sleeves to help make your art look its best. Just bring your art in. We’ll look at it with you, help you evaluate where you will be using it, and help you find an appropriate and beautiful framing treatment that will go well with your decor and fit your budget.
”Do you clean and repair oil paintings?”
We work with an oil painting conservator and restoration specialist who can do amazing things to breathe new life into your old, dark, damaged painting. Bring in your painting for a consultation and an estimate.
”Do you deliver?”
Yes, we deliver, and we can pick up work, as well. Please call to make arrangements – 651-645-7862.
”Do you sell art?”
Yes, we have an eclectic collection of everything from inexpensive reproductions to original paintings, from antique prints and maps to original graphics. And we have access to a great deal more art than we have in the store. We can often help you track down art you want that we don’t have. Additionally, we provide art consultation services. Whether for your home or office, we can come to you and help you choose the right art to really make your space beautiful.
“Do you repair frames?”
Absolutely, if we can. Unfortunately, the nature of a damaged frame is that it is possible the structural integrity of a frame is completely compromised and not entirely repairable. We are always happy to assess your frame and work with you to repair and reuse what we are able. We will need to see the frame in person to be able to make that determination.
“Do you frame mirrors?”
Yes, we do. We keep quality mirror in stock and can generally make you a custom mirror in our regular turnaround time. We can have beveled mirrors fabricated for you, but that may take a slightly longer turnaround to have completed.
“Can you frame this ___?”
We frame all types of three dimensional objects... pieces of clothing, medals, masks, artifacts, pens, jewelry, skate boards, knives, textiles, you name it! No matter what the object is, we are happy to talk about framing options for your item you want to display. If it is determined that standard framing is not the solution, we are also happy to get creative with you to best fit your items needs.
”How do I hang a picture?”
The first thing you need to consider is what you are trying to do with your overall decorating. Consider how your piece relates to the other elements in your home – the doors, windows, furniture, etc. Ask someone to hold it up against the wall to see what placement looks best. As a rule of thumb, eye-level is best (keeping in mind that eye-level isn’t the same for everyone). Try it higher or lower, centered or off-center. Once you have determined where it will hang, make sure you have some good quality picture hooks for the wall. We get a lot of repair business due to bad hooks or nails. Use one hook for smaller pictures, two hooks for larger ones. If you live in a house with old plaster walls, it’s a good idea to pre-drill your holes to prevent crumbling. Measure the picture to find the center and the correct height from the ceiling to hang it from. Use a pencil to make a small mark on the wall where the nail will be pounded into the wall. Make certain the picture wire is resting on the hook and not just on the nail when you hang up the picture. If you didn’t put the nail in at the correct height, it is sometimes possible to lengthen or shorten the wire on the back rather than pound another hole in the wall. The hangers on metal frames can be easily adjusted with a screwdriver.
If you are not confident (or just don't have the time) to do it yourself, call us for installation services. We can get your picture up on the wall for you!
”How wide should my mat be?”
Mat width is usually determined by a number of factors such as the size of the piece, the scale of the room where the piece will be hung, the graphic strength of the work, the mat colors, and the look desired. Standard mat width is getting wider generally. Exaggerating the mat dimensions is sometimes done for a gallery or fine art look. The mat serves as a buffer between the frame and the work of art. It is essentially a place for the work of art to be. It should relate to the work of art and enhance the work rather than distract from it. Generally, wider is better than narrower, within limits.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in framing is to have a mat that is too small. The picture can look insignificant, crowded, or chopped off. We are glad to help you determine the width of the mat, with your input, of course.
”Is my old art worth reframing?”
This is probably a dangerous question to ask a picture framer, but the truth is the answer lies with you. As basic as it sounds, the main question to ask is: do you really like the picture? We can certainly update the framing for the picture and transform your artwork into something that will look good in your house today. If you paid almost nothing for the picture, but you still love it, or even have some kind of nostalgic attachment to it, then it’s probably worth re-framing. Conversely, if a picture that you don’t like very much falls off the wall and breaks the glass, you might be better off to spend your money framing something that you love rather than putting that ho-hum piece back up on the wall. In any case, the opinion that matters most is yours. Saving good art from bad framing is one of the most valuable things a frame shop can do and we love to do it.
”What if I don’t like it when it is completed?”
If there is a quality issue with our craftsmanship, we fix it. Our work is guaranteed. The last thing we want is for our customers to be unhappy about anything we have framed. When it comes to design, we ask you to help us make the right choices the first time. We love being able to assist you and provide professional design services, but ultimately the end choice is up to you. If someone else is going to have veto rights over your framing selection, bring them in so we can avoid an unnecessary re-do. We still want you happy at the end of the day and will work with you to make sure you have a product you love, however, we kindly request you consider your part as a decision maker.
”When are you open?”
Monday-Friday 10-5:30, Saturday 10-4, or by appointment.
Closed Sundays and the following holidays:
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
December 24 & 25
December 31 & January 1
”Why is my art fading?”
Almost all art fades given enough light and enough time. Some art media fade quicker than others. Watercolors and color photos are particularly susceptible to fading. Of course, the best way to protect your art and keep if from fading is to put it in a dark temperature and humidity-controlled vault. However, it is hard to enjoy your art under these conditions. Using conservation glass helps significantly to slow fading of your art by filtering out the ultraviolet part of the light. If you have light-sensitive art, you might consider displaying it in a place that does not have intense light. Bring your art in for an evaluation. We have UV-filtering glass and acrylic that will significantly help with your problem.
”Why is my paper art rippling?”
The answer is — it depends. Most posters, photos and inexpensive prints can be permanently dry mounted to prevent rippling. However, if you are framing an original or collectible piece of artwork, the proper mounting technique will not necessarily prevent rippling. In order to keep the artwork in its original condition, the framer doesn’t permanently adhere the artwork to its backing board. In most cases, the artwork is hinged to its mat or backing board with an acid-free paper and reversible adhesive with minimal contact to the artwork. What causes the problem? Usually, changes in temperature and humidity are involved, and sometimes improper framing plays a part. Paper absorbs and releases moisture at different rates throughout the year, especially in Minnesota, and sometimes the moisture will stretch the paper fibers enough to cause a noticeable ripple. In general, paper artwork will ripple more during the humid summer months and relax in the dry winter months. If the work was framed improperly in such a way as to not allow the paper to expand and contract without rippling, that could also be a factor.
So what can be done about the rippling of original artwork? In some cases rippling is just a natural part of the art and the paper it is painted on. If you want to preserve your artwork properly, you live with a little rippling. Sometimes move your artwork out of a hostile environment (away from a radiator, out of the bathroom, etc.,) can help. Something else you can try is adjusting the lighting or placement of a picture so the rippling becomes less obvious. As a last resort, paper artwork can be dry mounted to keep it flat, especially in cases where resale isn’t a concern. However, keep in mind that dry mounting is, for all practical purposes, permanent. If your picture was framed improperly, sometimes framing it properly can help alleviate the problem. Every piece of art is unique and the best means to solve a problem may also be unique. For us to best assist resolving rippling issues, please bring in your art for us to take a look at.
”Why is my print turning yellow?”
Bad quality framing materials like mats and backing have lignin in them, a component of the trees that the paper was made from. Unfortunately, lignin is acidic and reacts with light to cause “burning” of other paper with which it comes into contact. You will often see a yellowing of the surface paper of the mat and the art, especially along the bevel of the mat. The mat out-gasses along the bevel, and these gases interact with light to discolor the art. Bring your art to us for evaluation and possible upgrading of your mat, backing, and glass to conservation quality materials.