Welcoming Back a Familiar Face!

Caleb is back at the shop!

After a summer hiatus exploring the west in Salt Lake City, Caleb Henkelman is back with us at Carter Avenue Frame Shop. We are excited to have his energy and artistic knowledge as part of the team again.

If you haven’t had the pleasure to work with Caleb while designing your framing, he brings a wonderful eye for design. Caleb studied Integrated Studio Arts at Iowa State and is a practicing artist of many mediums. He loves learning about and discussing the artwork you bring in and revels in the opportunity to be inspired by other artists works.

Bring your art and framing needs in now and have your own inspiring experience working with Caleb!

Caleb has some of his artwork available for sale at Carter Avenue Frame Shop. To see more of his work, check out his website at https://www.calebhenkelman-art.com/


Now Carrying Bella Moulding


Spring 2022 - Cool Things We’ve Framed Lately